Buncha Links
     I'm certain that you can tell a great deal about a person by their links. I'm not as certain how to do it or what my own list o' links says about me. Here are a Buncha Links!
Personal Pages
'hugger's treehouse - An eco-friendly kinda place (my hunney's site)
Jeffery Zeldman Presents - Mr. Zeldman is my hero!
-- p e r s i s t e n c e -- - An author's well designed site
chunk - A well-made personal site with great linkage and home-made graphics.
[ w a t e r ] - This site put the "personal" back in personal pages!
{fray} - Loads of great writing here
Justin! - The Justin!
Wynkyn's World - Wynk's got a nicely put together site.
madwomyn* - One o' my ChiaPals!
spam princess - Another friend o' mine.
Phantom - A prose-spoutin', guitar-playin', fella.
Hope - A lovely person and artist.
Rhino - A new friend o' mine.
Mark - Another new friend o' mine.

The place to start looking for sounds - The Soundring Homepage
Live events, audio books, and whole CD's to listen to - Broadcast Network
A new wav everyday - The Daily WAV
SchoolHouse Rock - The Unofficial Site
Gotta love dem blues, man. - BluesWEB
Tons o' music! - x-radio
Lotsa wavs here. All kinds. - Thumper's World of Wavs

wavs, midis, etc.
Sizzling HTML Jalfrezi - A searchable HTML index
Professional Web Design - Look for the form, table, and frame tutorials by Joe.
Joe's Hexadecimal Color Chart - This is Joe's.
The Java Boutique - Helpful and useful applets. If ya like that sorta thing.
JavaScripts - Some useful and some not so useful, but there are lots.
The VRL Imaging Machine - A great way to tweak your images online.
The Banner Generator - This is where I made mine, but go there anyway!
HTML Help - Help with ... uh ... HTML
Color Picker - Yet another helpful item by Joe.
Chank's Fonts - Fonts, font, fonts.
ZY.com - Incredible banner creator!

Dave's List of Words That Are Fun To Say
A meeting place for all kinds of people - bianca's
A great resource for Myths and Legends
Unapologetic views on life - The Crash Site
Get yer personality tested here - Personality Online
Cool Site of the Day
The spreading of Chaos - Principia Discordia
Where thirsty Chias go -The Umpqua Brewery
Douglas Adams newest project - Starship Titanic
Literary smut - Nerve Magazine
Center for the Easily Amused - CEA
This'll make ya think, but in a good, non-painful way - Would you rather?
A site by another Chia - Chia Pet Zoo
Automatic insults by the Bard - Shakespearean Insulter
A fun online comicbook! - Argon Zark
A dark online comicbook. - The Gifted
Defies description. - The Bonejangler
Penn and Teller's Home on the Web - SinCity

Some fun stuff
Some useful stuff
(sorta useful anyway)
The Great Outdoors Recreation Page
The Weather Channel
Ramen Recipe Page
Learn2 to do everything!
Science Fiction Book Club
Find Sam

About Me
Fav-O-rite Books
Tao Quote
Buncha Links